the first pics of me with high heeled peep toe shoes!
my first peep toe shoes!!! the first time wearing my newest pair of high heels. when peep toe shoes got popular i just didn't like peep toes - i thought that they look a little bit old fashioned. but now after looking at them for month i finally bought a pair of high heeled peep toes. and i have to say that i really like them now. especially with a short white skirt & coat the legs with the black high heels look amazing - and i even like my toes ;-). well, maybe i should just call them heels and not high heels as they are a little lower (only 9cm or nearly 4 inch) than my other high heels ;-).
to all high heel lovers and blog readers, - thanks for beeing so patient!!! - i had two very busy month at university. but now i have holidays and a lot of time for new photshootings for my high heels and corset blogs!!