Emily and Zooey Deschanel are two very popular actresses in Hollywood right now. But, for some reason, they haven't been very forthcoming in showing us their bare legs in closed toed pumps to date. Well, they do often wear pumps, which is a good thing. But sister Zooey (light blue pumps below) has a strange style sense that typically has her wearing opaque hosiery or tights. This is particularly weird for someone spending most of their time in warm and sunny southern California. I figured that she maybe had some disfiguring vein problem that she was seemingly always covering up. But alas, no. Her legs look perfectly fine here. Sister Emily even looks better - and shows us a lot more toe cleavage in these black pumps.
It's been a while since we've seen Kate Beckinsale here. And it's nice to have her back. This is the way gals should be required to wear their jeans. It's timeless.
Well, this set of photos should tell you all you need to know about the criteria used to determine who gets a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.... C'mon, Cameron Diaz? When her best appearance in a movie is her voice in Shrek, well,,, you get my point. Anyway, we're not here to hear me whine about things so trivial. We're here to see toe cleavage. And Cameron Diaz has got some to show us.
Well, it looks like the pumps aren't quite dead yet... The last week has produced probably more celebrity toe cleavage sightings than I've seen in any week the past 6 months. And while that's still not saying much, maybe it's the signal of a slight change in direction from where we've been. And that's a good thing. Here today is Stacey Ferguson, AKA Fergie, of the Black Eyed Peas in some very interesting high heeled pumps.
At times, I think if it weren't for British female singers and performers, I wouldn't have enough material to keep this blog alive. Rachel Stevens graces us again today with her toe cleavage from various events (and various shoes).
Today I bring you two British gals, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Kym Marsh. I have no idea what they're famous for, but I really don't care. These lovely English ladies are still donning toe cleavage pumps in bare legs, and I'll take advantage of that opportunity anytime.
Happy Fathers Day today to those of you who are dads out there. I hope these close up shots provide a little special something for this holiday. And I also want to extend a special thanks to a female follower today, Carol (Sexy*Soles) -- or Silverryder, as she's also known, for sending me some personal shots of herself. They're shown in the first three shots below, and are outstanding.
And a word about some of the comments in the previous Close-ups post a few days ago... I can assure you that I would not knowingly post photos of anyone with a Y chromosome (a male, for you that are biologically-challenged). It is always a risk for photos of non-celebrities, where there's no accompanying full-body shots. For the photos I find from eBay auctions, it's usually a pretty safe bet for me if the size of the shoe being auctioned is less than a womans 8 or so. It's also always a plus when the woman's hand is involved in the shot. That makes for a pretty safe determination as well.